Wednesday 27 May 2015

Motivation is an absolute science

If you seek greatness you must have capacity for madness and be a glutton for punishment - madness, not straight jacket wearing, howling at the moon madness, rather an insane belief in your abilities and great faith, albeit vague conviction of your purpose in this reality. In the words of Pheroze Nowrojee, you must believe that it is enough to believe and that failure to pursue conviction is in itself failure no matter the odds you face.

This notion sheds light on great struggles and consequent strugglers. Sometimes why one fights, is explained by what makes one fight. This could be any one of the numerous physical, emotional and spiritual motivations which are often personal to the degree of inexplicability.

Interesting then that the lack of purpose presents itself as the inverse to self-worth and self-esteem; the man without vision rarely perishes alone for they infect friends and family with crippling lethargy and stand in opposition to those around them who may display even a nuance of self-drive and motivation. Unmotivated people stand as a barrier to those seeking purpose in their lives. This barrier is as tall or short, strong or weak as the number of persons in a given society who are devoid of purpose.

 Motivation must therefore be crafted as an exercise in the implementation of a collective conscience and for once I am glad religion beat me to that punch. You see for any form of ‘good’ to prevail, its proponents must seek to counter any and all manner of detrimental leanings. Evil and evil doers have enjoyed great success over the years owing to a reactionary strategy by those opposed to evil as the counter to evil. Evil doers learned eons ago that when cards are held close to chest, and their plans strategically revealed to only be glimpsed at, they are free to play their cards only after moral men have made plain their strategy to counter the perceived evil, which is in actuality a glimpse of the grand plans; a ruse and bait.

Therefore if you seek to spur members of a given society to morality, they must be forced to confront and not evade evil with motivation to confront evil being the primary weapon. Now then how do you motivate members of society to confront immorality, I’d say by teaching and from as early an age as possible, that the lack of purpose is in actuality the mother of all evils. Purpose then must be crafted to follow talent which is a naturally occurring gift innate in all humans. If society is designed to celebrate and demand purpose and the pursuit of amplifying talent by all, then those in opposition of talent and purpose will be deemed evil doers. 

Motivation is therefore as absolute a science as it is spirituality and I dare say religion (remember the parable of the talents) – it isn’t enough for those who do not work not to eat, rather those who do not work towards unearthing and nurturing talent, and those not motivated and not actively engaged in motivating others should not eat; for these two noble pursuits, talent and purpose are the very essence of humanity’s raison d'etre in this reality.

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