Saturday 29 October 2016

Snakes and Snails

What are little boys made of?

What are little boys made of?

Snakes and snails

And puppy-dogs' tails

That's what little boys are made of

What are little girls made of?

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice

And everything nice

That's what little girls are made of

Four legs good, two legs better
I recently read about the TEDx event in Nairobi. I was really excited as we were being recognized for our immense talent, innovation and inventiveness as a people. Now I know TEDx is an independently organized event and often times has as much affiliation to TED Talks as Donald Trump has with a cabbage farmer in Githunguri but we were on the map. However something caught my eye and my heart sunk; TEDx Women? Surely why would a movement which allegedly celebrates human ingenuity only recognize women?

What does an early 19th Century poem have to do with a TEDx Event for Women only? The assertion that all are welcome to attend but it’s an all women panel makes as much sense to me as the resurrection of Lazarus made to him when his debtors came a calling. Garnishing a clearly sexist driven agenda with empty, virtue signaling exaggerated and hyperbolic expressions of praise like women empowerment, affirmative action, feminism and equality does not strike a chord with objective individuals.

Show me the money
Imagine for a moment that your reality wasn’t shaped by self-appointed captains of society or the media. A friendly quote on feminism by John Legend is hardly fueled by his love for feminism but rather his desire to sell records to his main demographic. It’s a little trick called marketing. Put aside the mind numbing movies and series – that’s called fiction. People do not interact that way in the real world, their lives are no more exciting or boring as your own and when the lights and cameras go off they like you and I fart in their sleep and have controlling in laws. 

Madam Secretary is not a real government official and the strong women detectives who chase down hardened criminals while wearing three inch heels do not exist. Similarly rallying women and girls around exclusive movements under the guise of protection from a grand conspiracy by men to subjugate and enslave women, is nothing short of the wolf crying wolf. There is however a fortune to be made championing such causes largely comprised of exaggerated ‘stats’ and devoid of real facts and figures. Show me any number of women  ‘empowered ‘and freed from bondage by the now prevalent version of feminism and I’ll show you an even greater number of fancy cars, palatial homes and booming  businesses paid for by grants and donations which real victims of gender discrimination are yet to see a dime of.

My rights do not terminate where your feelings start
I know we live in a world of aggressive thought policing where independent thought is deemed politically incorrect. But we can trade intelligent jabs in my world because I know my rights do not terminate where some crazy self-righteous social justice warrior’s feelings start. There is something wrong with movements which claim impartiality yet promote discrimination.

The said 19th Century poem is a blatant attack on the boy child. A weaponized psychological tool aimed at promoting self-loath. It is not a nursery rhyme. You know it, I know it and so does the sexist kindergarten teacher. And what’s more we cannot pretend that allowing such psychopaths access to innocent defenseless boys because the boys committed the great crime of being born male is okay any more than we can pretend that the divisive politics disguised as a version of feminism often championed by disillusioned and entitled suburban females, and often times as knee jerk reactions to their surroundings' non conformance to their self appointed princess status is okay because the disparity is felt by men and boys. Relegating men and boys to invisible status on matters of education, entrepreneurship, technology and politics is nothing short of an anti-male societal cancer squarely aimed at pitting the genders against each other. It has little to do with gender equality.

Sexist and poisonous brainwash gives us people who start off hating boys and go on to hate men. Here are a couple of choice bits from people who were probably taught that boys are made of snakes and snails.

I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig. Andrea Dworkin

The more famous and powerful I get the more power I have to hurt men. Sharon Stone

The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race. Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future – If There Is One – Is Female

I do want to be able to explain to a 9-year-old boy in terms he will understand why I think it’s OK for girls to wear shirts that revel in their superiority over boys. Treena Shapiro

Say it loud, I am a man and I am proud
I will concede that there are lots of bad apples; men who treat women in absolutely horrendous ways and subject them to a life time of objectification, unspeakable abuse and needless suffering. This however does not justify the anti-male devil philosophy evangelized by SJWs and Feminazis. I am a man and I am proud. I will not apologize for my masculinity. I love my wife and worship my daughter. I was raised by a woman who literally did everything in her power to ensure my success as a human being and I can attest to the fact that my greatest gifts in this reality have come wearing the faces of girls and women. I have great respect and admiration for girls and women and there are millions of men like me strewn across the world who understand that their very biological makeup demands that they provide for and protect their loved ones. 

Do not be a useful idiot
In closing no human female has earned the right to neither dismiss positive traits in men and boys as unnatural oddities nor declare honorable human males as rare and far between, thus making a case for discrimination against all human males. History has taught us that the first step to genocide is heralded by dehumanization. Reducing a human being to a vile animal. More and more I see the word 'man' as a code word for such vile terminologies like rapist, dead beat, cash cow and sperm bank. Also some women need to face up to the fact that they choose or chose poorly. Abusive irresponsible men more often than not become abusive irresponsible boyfriends, husbands and fathers.

Misguided and ill-advised notions on manipulating and changing men will lead you down a dark and sorrowful path; what’s worse is the sad fact that you shall bear offspring who will be trapped in your quagmire of f*ck ups and delusions, thus producing yet another generation of unsupervised, abused, poorly raised, angry men and women ready to jump on any bandwagon which pretends to cure their deep hurt but relegates them to the role of useful idiots.

Let us heal each other with love and address injustices but for Christ’s sake let us also be objective. Have you looked outside your window lately? It's not a pretty picture; the world is literally going to the dogs. This is hardly the time to be disunited along gender lines or any other lines for that matter because I know that entities which seek to divide also seek to conquer.

This is enjoyable ...

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